miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018

This is why we need legal and safe abortion, NOW!

Hello everyone!

Nowadays, women started to have a big infuence in the society. Saddly, the reasons of this situation aren't the best ones, because with our participation and movements, we are looking for a way to being listened, about different reasons such as our right to live in peace with ourselves as women, rights that must of the time are violated. Is something so basic, but yet, we had to wait a lot of time to became aware of how big deal this was.

In this sense, analyzing the chilean situacion, one of the principal issues which society and government had been paying attention these past years, directly related to women's rights, is abortion.

Chile had been one of a few countries with an abortion ban -until recently- in all circumstances. This law was put in place in 1989, during Augusto Pinochet's dictatorhip, supported by conservative parties and the Chatolic Church, same ones institutions opposite to liberalize one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world.

But, this change -a little bit- in 2017, when, after a heated debate that takes almost two years, with the approval of the judges in the constitutional court, the chilean President, Michelle Bachelet, has pushed trough a bill that will allow abortion but under three exceptional circumstances:
  • When woman's life is in danger
  • When a fetus is unviable
  • When a pregnancy results of rape
A lot of people believed in this results as a progress in the "women's rights territory", but, ¿does it means a real progress?

I believe that, even when we can see this little progress as a "small vistory", the abortion still remains as an option for a girl or woman who don't want to be a mother, and proceed to abort her baby by illegal and dangerous methods. The situation is more complicated that only reduce to "three conditions".

¿Why chilean women are still treated as criminals? I -as a future journalism- know that one of the principals responsibles of spread this "conservatory point of view" is social media, especially with the lack of care in the treatment of the information.

They show a reality, in a way to show you how guilty is the girl or woman who choose abortion as an option, perpetuating the classic speech "you are carring a perfect, complete and finished baby on you, deal with it...", while in the other side of the world, the countries that approves the abortion, allow it in a period of twelve or fourteen weeks, a period when this creature is still an embryo lack of any human form.

You know why this happens? Because, as a country, Chile is short of knowledge in the matter. Because is a "too much controversial theme", and sexual education is off the tables, is tabú, most of the time -especially in home and shools, places where the young girls shoul learn about the care of themselves-  ¡We need to investigate and inform ourselves in a better way! If the big countries can do it, ¿why we can't?... ¡¡¡We practically lived copying them in every singe matter!!!

If our government legalize abortion, not only this will be a big step and resulted ina a better and safe future for the pregnant woman, but also, this step will avoid the future of a kid growing up in a place such as Sename, because the mother couldn't support and take care of her child product of her age or her economic reality, a truly desperate situation.

A woman needs rights, needs the liberty to find out what she wants for herself and for her own safe. The govenment manage almost everything in out lives, but our body is ours, ¿right?, so, the only ones who must choose what to do or what not to do with it, is ourleves as women. It's time to move on, ¿Don't you think?

See ya later alligator!

1 comentario:

  1. Companion journalist! I totally agree with you, in how the conservative sectors use the media to criminalize women who want to have an abortion, as if they were killing a human being. In the future we will not allow our media violate the human rights of women. Free abortion!
