miércoles, 27 de junio de 2018

My favorite food

¡Hello everybody!

Today post is about my favorite food.

If I have to be honest, for me is really difficult to talk about food or cook, because I'm not really into it. Actually, I'm a disaster in the kitchen so I prefer to "take a step to the side" everytime I'm in a social situation and somebody needs help cooking. I'm always afraid to ruin everything or burn my fingers!!! That's why I don't really have so much knowledge about food...

But!!! Of the almost anything that I know about it, there is one type of food that I love the most and absolute won my heart since the first taste: I love PASTAS. I know, that term sound a little too wide, but that's exactly my idea, because I love all type of pastas: Spaghetti, Fettuccine, Ravioli, Gnocchis and more.

Now, you have to know that for me is not just about the pasta, but also the sauce. It doesn't matter if is Bolognesa sauce or Alfredo sauce -or any other sauce-, I believe that in a dish of this kind the delicious sauce is everything! I mean, I can handle to eat pasta without seasoning, but it's not going to be the amazing. It's boring!

People ask me why I love to eat pastas so much or if I'm not scare of gain weight in the future -because I eat a lot of it and I'm not even italian haha-, and I never know what to say... I just love it. I love this food because makes me feel good and if I gain weight, well at least my belly will be happy. 

I can't do anything about it! 
I may not be italian, but my belly defitnely is.


Here I left the recipe for "Fettuccine with Alfredo sauce"


  • 1 fettuccine package (You can find them on the market)
  • 1/2 cup of butter or margarine
  • 1/2 cup of whipping cream
  • 3/4 cup of shredded parmesan cheese
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon black or white pepper chopped fresh parsley

1.- First, in large sauce pot, cook fettuccine as directed on the package. 
2.- While fettuccine is cooking, in 2-quart saucepan, heat butter and whipping cream over low heat, stirring constantly, until butter is melted. Stir in cheese, salt and pepper.
3.- Drain fettuccine; return to sauce pot. Pour sauce over warm fettuccine; stir until fettuccine is well coated. Sprinkle with parsley.


miércoles, 13 de junio de 2018

¡I love Radio!

When I decided to study Journalism, I knew that one thing it would happen, was the fact that my new schedule will be full of interesting and motivated subjects, those king of subjects that convince you that the career you are studying is the one youalways wanted for your proffesional life, and lucky me I wasn't wrong about it.

In the past two years of career I've learned and have fun a lot, something that impress me, because when you are a fresh student, you see the university as a place of "hard work and no fun" but after all you learned that is not so restrictive at all. So, if I have to choose a subject that change my life since day one, I must say "Radio" class.

Was in my second year that I found out the "Radio host" world and even when I always loved the idea of became a "Radio host" -because I love music programmes-,0                              it was not a decision completely real until I had my first day of class in a radio studio, with big headphones on and sit in front of a big microphone, in that moment the I certanly knew that will be my future work.

I'm not going to lie, at first I was terrified because I always had been a little shy when I had to do things in front of people -yes, something not so good for a future journalist- so I almost let this experience go and run away, but I didn't do it, I just face the situation and it was a fantastic experienced, and in a certain way help me to find out that I have to take risk more often and not just run away from my fears.

The entire subject last one year so, with time and the different assignements that our teacher gave to us, I started to been less shy in front of microphone and even was choose to radio host a little radio program of our class once.

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

"Clases de Periodismo" The virtual school for spanish journalists in the web.

¡Hello everyone!

As a future journalist, nowadays internet is one of the most important platform to express my knowledge, because for a twenty one century journalist, Internet it's not only an important tool but also a place of work. Today I'm going to talk to you of one of the websites that for me is essential for a journalist and was made by and for journalists, looking to help journalists to use this platform in the best way possible! I'm talking about clasesdeperiodismo.com.

"Clases de periodismo", is a website built in 2008 by peruvian journalist Esther Vargas, with the idea of made a place where journalists and also people interested in communications, find all the necessary information to make the best work in journalism through this technologic platform, looking to spread good practics, with a vision of freedom of the press and jounalistic ethic.

Even when the central house of the site is located in Lima (Perú), the teamwork is formed by a diversity of journalists and journalist students from all around América Latina and Spain, who contribute in favor of this big journal comunity.

The web is formed by different sections that can help you find easily the topic you are interested in, such as: 
  • Noticias (News): In this section you can find the latest news about the world related to the proffesion.
  • Herramientas (Tools): Here, the articles show you different information, pages or applications that helps journalism and the best way that you can used them.
  • Entrevistas (Interviews): Here you can find different interviews to people who talk about some toppic of the proffesion or give you some advises.
  • E Book: Here you can find a list of books -on the internet- that talks about jornalism.
  • Colaboradores (Cooperatives): In this section you can find opinion articles from the journalist who contribute in the web
As the ethic is really important in this site, the teammwork always examine carefully all the content and posts, with a special care in the way that quotes are used, trying to respect the plurarity of the voices that form the team.

If you are or want to be a journalist, I invited you to visit this page,
It will be really helpful!

See ya later alligator.